Login to a MT4 Indices Trading Account
Stock Indices Trading Account Sign In
Before placing any trade on the MetaTrader 4 platform, you'll be required to log in to your Indices MetaTrader Account and get authenticated before gaining access. Authentication is checking to see if the details you provide for User-name and Password are the correct details for your Indices MetaTrader Account.
To start trading on MT4, just click on 'File', then choose & click 'Login' button key from the file drop down menu as illustrated below.
Indices MetaTrader Account Log in
As a trader once you click this log in button key, then a window popup will pop-up prompting you to in put your Username & Password as illustrated and shown below:
Indices MetaTrader Account Log in
Once you in put your User Name & Password you will then have to choose the server: because this is a demo indices trading account, for this instance you will then choose 'Demo', if it was a real Indices MetaTrader account/live stock indices trading account then you would have to choose 'Real' Server on this option by clicking on drop-down arrow on right side of the above text box.
Then tick the box 'Save Account Information'
Then Click 'Sign in'
Once you click login your details will be authenticated & you'll then have access to your MT4 stock indices trading account and when logged in to your indices trading MetaTrader account you can begin to trade & place new stock indices orders in the stock indices trading market on the MetaTrader 4 platform. If you do not have Indices MetaTrader Account login details you can get these details by registering a practice trading account with a MetaTrader broker.
Once you sign in you can then check your indices account balance and set up your stock indices trades. To know that you have logged in to the correct Indices MetaTrader Account you can check the details as shown below: (You will need to open Navigator Window: Short Cut Keyboard Keys, Press Both CTRL+N on your keyboard)
MetaTrader 4 Demo Indices Trading Account Details
The above example Shows the details of your MetaTrader 4 demo stock indices trading account on the Indices trade platform work-space after you have logged in, whether it is a practice indices trading account or a live account as well as the account log in number & the account name.
A demo indices trading account will have a green cartoon icon while live indices trading account will have a indices cartoon icon, when you open a real account you'll know what this statement is talking about. Just know in the above picture where there is a green cartoon you will now see a Indices Cartoon.
If you have many Indices MetaTrader Accounts on the same MT4 platform, these will all be listed on this option, you can double click on the cartoon icon to select the one you want to login to from this place.